I am a PhD student in the Computer Science department at Carnegie Mellon University. I am advised by Prof. Srinivasan Seshan and Prof. Anthony Rowe.
I am working on building a world-scale federated localization and mapping system called OpenFLAME. OpenFLAME enables the next generation of location-based applications, including large-scale mixed-reality, taking us closer to the dream of the Spatial Web – the web where data is associated with and rendered against physical spaces.
I also worked with Netflix on designing the bitrate ladder algorithm for 2D video streaming that is in the process of being deployed. Previously, I worked at Microsoft Research on building a large-scale data discovery framework and optimizing inter-datacenter network.
Select Publications
In submission. arXiv.
ISMAR, 2023
NSDI, 2022
VLDB, 2021

Video Streaming Intern
June 2022 - February 2024
Los Gatos
Designed a multi-objective optimization algorithm to generate bitrate ladders for 2-D video streaming that balances QoE and CDN efficiency.

Research Fellow
Microsoft Research
July 2019 - July 2021
Worked on disocvering data at scale (scale of several petabytes) and optimizing inter-datacenter networks spanning the globe.